September 6, 2013

Plain, wide and crinkle

Assalamualaikum, Hai.

Due to my observations berdasarkan mata empat a.k.a rabun T.T + fake contact lens color grey fefeeling mata anime, normally girls love wearing shawls. Fine, takpun pakai tudung square, and material lagi lahhh macam macam! But like every human beings on this planet, kita ada citarasa sendiri and that includes me :3 Saya sangat meminati PLAIN,WIDE&CRINKLE SHAWLS!

 This is my first attempt memakai crinkle shawl. Actually, dulu I was a big fan of Pashminas. For me, Pashmina sangat lawa, menutup dada, and variety of colors makes me fell in love with it! Okay lah, nak buat confession. Actually dulu TAK PERNAH langsung minat crinkle shawls. Dulu selalu rasa,

'Eeew, kenapa ada jenis shawls macam ni? confirm orang malas je pakai sebab malas nak iron, just sarung kat kepala, pin sebijik dua then ready to go!'

That's my thought about crinkle shawls. Until I try to wear it  masa gedik holiday kat UK, beli pun sebab ter'sengaja' ye and after that, rasa macam, WOW! sukanyaaaaa *out of sudden jatuh hati dengan crinkle shawls*, lol 

Yang ni pun another lovely crinkle shawls beli kat Tized! lawa sangat, material cantik, senang terbentuk kat muka and I really in love with crinkle shawls ❤  So, I bought;

A bundle of crinkle shawls from AnneRoslen! omgggg, suka sangat k! Plain,wide and crinkle. Menepati citarasa saya yang sekarang dah obses with this type of shawls. JUST PERFECT!


Siap ada business card lagi ni, weh! :3

INSTAGRAM: AnneRoslen 

For my lovely readers, especially girls yang suka crinkle shawls, candy colours and wide *bonus!* like me, this is one of the perfect shop to shops. Get it? shops till you drops! haha *K, tak lawak T.T

P/S: Nak kena tidur awal sebab esok abang saya convo! hiks congrats dear bro! <3

Lots of love,
Miss A :)